Xodul is a tactical and strategy game, which is a variant of chess. This game is inspired on international chess, chinese chess (xiang-qi), and japanese chess (shogi).
In particular, xodul has 10 different pieces from each other: car, knight, bishop, queen, king, wizard, guard, lance, cannon and pawns; moreover, the promotion of pawns can be made accordingly to a different rule: a piece captured by one of the players can return to the game through the promotion of one of the pawns; therefore, the pieces can change their colour.
pieces in xodul…
are some pieces equal in name and movement to the international
chess [the knight, the bishop, the queen and
the king];
are two pieces equal in name and movement to those of chinese chess
/xiang-qi [the car and the cannon; note
that the movement of the car is equal to the movement of the rook
piece of international chess];
are two pieces with repeated names of chinese /xiang-qi chess and
japanese chess /shogi, but with original movements [the guard
and the lance, respectively];
is a totally original piece [the wizard];
finally, there are the pawns, whose normal movement is
the same as they have in international chess, but whose promotion in
this game is made accordingly to original rules.
This game was invented by Sílvia M.G. Rodrigues, since the academic year 2010/2011 until december 20th, 2017.